Friday 12 August 2016

First Marriage Then Love 《先婚厚爱》Chapter 29 Translation

029. Mrs. Government-official

By the time they left the Gu household to leave for Su Yi Cheng’s apartment, it was already almost 9 o’clock. The Gu couple were worried that it would take even more time to put away all the boxes, so they didn’t let the two of them stay back any more, and just let them go without delay. Additionally, when they sent them out, they especially emphasized to Su Yi Cheng to quickly arrange for the two families to meet. Su Yi Cheng repeatedly nods and agrees, carrying An Ran’s clothing and stuff and gets on the car.

Only when they sat down in the car did An Ran realize that the car Su Yi Cheng was using this evening and the car he had used in the morning looked different. The car in the morning was clearly a Porsche, but now it’s changed into a Volkswagen.

“Uh, you changed cars?” When he picked her up that time she wasn't paying attention. It’s only now that she sees that the logo has changed appearance, the layout of the car has also changed appearance.

Su Yi Cheng laughs, starts the car and steadily heads to the road, explaining, “No, the way you said it this morning, I also felt that the car was too flashy. It’s disruptive. This car suits the work place, and it’s usually Secretary Zheng that takes this car.”

“Uh, aren’t you an assistant. Why does your company give you a secretary and a car. What kind of company is it, is it a large-scale company?” Saying that, An Ran finally recalls that she has not once asked about his work. What he does, what company; she doesn’t know any of it.

Su Yi Cheng looks at her, and smiles mysteriously, “Me? My workplace is pretty big.”

“Within the top 500 [in the world]?” An Ran intuitively responds, and in her head she does a quick search for any of the top 500 companies in the world that she knows of in Jiang city.

“Ha ha…..” Su Yi Cheng laughs heartily, then says, “Didn’t I tell you before, I work for the government.”

“Huh? Government? They have special assistants for the government?” All of a sudden An Ran doesn’t react. She doesn’t concern herself with a lot of things, the division of positions within a company or what position, she has no knowledge of them at all. Even what rank a section chief is, to this day she hasn’t really gotten it straightened out.

Su Yi Cheng also doesn’t say anything, only smiles. It appears that the mood is pretty good, as he was smiling the entire journey to his apartment, right until he parks the car into the underground parking lot. Then he opens to the door and heads to the trunk of the car and grabs An Ran’s stuff. Following, An Ran carries the health products that were bought from the trip before, to give to her father-in-law, mother-in-law and grandfather-in-law.

When Su Yi Cheng was carrying the stuff and passed An Ran, he smiles and moves close to her ear, saying, “It’s the mayor’s special assistant.”

Suddenly, An Ran stops in her place, looking at him shocked. She couldn’t come up with a response. The mayor’s special assistant, he just said it’s the mayor’s special assistant!

Su Yi Cheng had already reached the corridor, only to see that An Ran was still standing dazedly over there. He can’t help but shake his head laughing, turns around and walks over to her side, takes her free hand and pulls her forward. The couple then leaves the basement, and enters the elevator.

Waiting for Su Yi Cheng to take his key to open the door, An Ran was unconvincingly looking at him. Su Yi Cheng suddenly felt defeated. Could it be that his image and the image of a mayor’s special assistant in her mind is really different?

Just as Su Yi Cheng was considering whether or not to do some explanation, An Ran opens her mouth and asks, “You’re an official?”

The corner of Su Yi Cheng’s mouth twitches uneasily, and only says, “Something like that.”

An Ran felt that it was really miraculous, out of nowhere she became the wife of a government official!

Su Yi Cheng, seeing her like that, assumes that she would still be out of it for a while. They ate a lot this evening, and thinking of it now he was really thirsty. He turns around to the kitchen and pours himself a cup of water, pours An Ran a cup of juice and puts it on the bar counter. He raises his voice and calls An Ran, “An Ran, come over and drink some juice.”

An Ran walks over absentmindedly, her eyes fixed on him, not in the mood to take the juice that he was offering.

Su Yi Cheng was sweating a bit, concerning this thing, does she really need to be in such disbelief? After he took a drink, he thought of explaining some stuff, but An Ran had said something that made him choke and speechless.

“So I’m not a gold digger, I’m actually with a high official.” An Ran muttered. She suddenly thought of something, staring at him and asks, “Then that car you drove that morning was a bribing gift from somebody?”

“Cough cough cough….” The water went down the wrong pipe, and made him incessantly cough in pain.

An Ran finally comes back to earth, and quickly gets a napkin and hands it to him. “You, you okay?”

Su Yi Cheng continues to cough for a while, until he gathered himself to stop his cough. However, that exceptionally handsome face is flushed from the choking.

An Ran, seeing that he has controlled his coughing, then felt embarrassed and said, “Sorry. I asked too directly.” Actually, now that she thinks about it, what official doesn’t accept bribes. They’ve climbed that high, thinking of nothing but fishing up money, if not controlling the monthly wages of the office workers. They can live grandly anywhere, use sports cars.

Looking at her expression, Su Yi Cheng can guess what she is thinking about, feeling really defeated. He’s always thought that his image was upright and plainspoken, and always thought that his image was righteous/ positive, and never expected that to her, he had become a big criminal. If this were passed on to Jun Qu compound, his family’s old man would definitely skin him.

He couldn’t drink water anymore. Su Yi Cheng detoured around the bar counter, took the juice in her hands and put it aside, pulling on her hand, “Come, I want to show you something.” Thanks to the choking from before, his voice no longer has that gentle aura, and became much huskier.

“What is it?” An Ran was confused, but she still let him lead her into the study room.

Su Yi Cheng led her behind the large work-desk in the study room, turns on the computer, then opens a stock transaction software on the desktop, enters the account number and password, then pulls An Ran in front of the computer, saying, “I don’t embezzle. The car from this morning was what I gained from stocks and funded. It’s not a bribe from somebody. When Yi Jiao started ‘You Ran Restaurant’ she borrowed some money from me, even though afterwards when business started booming she said she would give me a share, but thinking of my position, now my part of the share is also taken care of by her, it’s only at the end every year that You Ran Restaurant’s dividend is given to me.”

An Ran looks at the screen, showing the funding account’s stock and balance. She couldn’t come up with a response. That time, what Lin Li said was only half right. Looking at it now, not only is she with a wealthy person, but she is with a wealthy high official. If she remembered correctly, the so-called mayor’s special assistant not only is the mayor’s administration, so, so he, Su Yi Cheng, is not just well-off, but has authority!

“An Ran, you still don’t believe me?” Seeing her non-response, Su Yi Cheng thought that she was still unconvinced.

An Ran shakes her head. It’s not that she’s unconvinced, it’s just that she doesn’t understand. “Your circumstances are that good, why, why did you agree to marry me?”

Su Yi Cheng looks at her with a serious expression, looking into her eyes, only saying, “You’re suitable.”


1 comment :

  1. Hahaha An Ran is so cute I can imagine her reaction
