Friday 30 September 2016

First Marriage Then Love 《先婚厚爱》Chapter 39 Translation

039. Xiao xiao

When An Ran had rushed to reached the company, the weekly meeting was already over. Xiao Xiao was the first to leave the conference room. She was surprised to see An Ran, but quickly smiles and asks, “An Ran, didn’t you take a leave of absence?”

“Uh.” An Ran was surprised, unable to come up with a response. Leave of absence! When did she call in to request a leave of absence?

While An Ran was still dazed Ling Lin, who was carrying a pile of materials also came out of the conference room, and two of the drafting lads came out immediately after her. At that moment she was saying something, but upon seeing An Ran she quickly steps forward and asks in concern, “Gu jie, is your body alright?”

Being asked this, An Ran was even more confused, looking at them like she wasn’t completely here.

Finally, Huang De Xing comes out, sees everyone surrounding An Ran, and starts to say, “Don’t you guys have work to do?”

As soon as everyone had heard this, they all dispersed. An Ran looks at Huang De Xing, looking a little embarrassed. She was about to say something, but he beat her to it.

“An Ran, come to my office.” Huang De Xing looks at her in the eyes, turns around and walks over to his office.

An Ran walks behind him to the director’s office. Huang De Xing places down the materials in his hands onto the desk, and seats himself onto the big black leather swivel chair. He faces An Ran and indicates to her, permitting her to seat herself across from him.

Huang De Xing carries the tea cup placed on the table beside him, slightly purses his lips, and says, “An Ran, was there any emotional troubles recently at work?”

“Uh. No.” An Ran denies. “This morning, this morning I had something come up last minute, so I was late. I’m really sorry, I’ll be more careful next time.” An Ran apologizes for her tardiness, but as to the real cause of it, she was too ashamed to actually explain it.

Huang De Xing nods, “We’ve already investigated the cause of last time’s incident. The outcome will be coming within the next few days. Actually, concerning your blueprint, I believe that it is sound. But before the results of the investigation is out I didn’t want to say anything inconvenient, this point, I hope you can understand.”

An Ran nods, and says, “I understand.” She really does understand that he was in a difficult position. Naturally, regarding the accident she has also always informed people to wait for the results. If it truly was due to a problem with her design, then whatever consequences await her, she will accept them.

“Yes.” Huang De Xing answers, and proceeds to ask, “With regard to the blueprints to the government building, how are the designs going? Are there any problems, you can just ask me. After all, I do see you as my student.”

“Thank you, director,” An Ran expresses her thanks, “Speaking of the blueprints it will be done in a few days.”

“Ok. You’ve always been more optimistic than I, and with respect to designing you have the talent. I hope that this time you won’t let me down too.”

An Ran forces a laugh and nods. She feels that Huang De Xing today has been a bit off the entire time. Before he has never praised people. She has been by his side for 6 plus years, and her design drafts were almost always sent back. Today it was unprecedented for her to be praised, and she really feels that something is amiss.

“Is there anything else, director? If not then I will take my leave.” An Ran inquires. It can be said that these past two days she really has to rush on the government building’s blueprint. Up until now she only has a rough sketch, and she has to work overtime the past few days. 

“Yes.” Huang De Xing nods.

An Ran stands up and walks over to the door. When she was about to open the door to leave Huang De Xing suddenly called out.

“Wait, An Ran.”

An Ran turns around, looking at him puzzled, and asks, “Director, is there anything else?”

Huang De Xing suddenly recalls the phone call from his morning. He remembered that the number that had appeared was definitely of one of the leaders from the municipal committee, so he couldn’t help but ask, “Do you know someone from the municipal committee?”

“Uh.” An Ran was surprised, instinctually shaking her head. “Nope.” An Ran’s small brain had completely forgotten the man that had made her late this morning, and also neglected the fact that she herself was in fact already married, furthermore she married an official of high standing, a Madame of a government official not just in name but also in reality.

Hearing that Huang De Xing mutters apprehensively, “Is that so. Could it be I was mistaken?”

“Huh? Director, did you say something?” He was speaking too low, so An Ran didn’t catch any of it.

“Uh, it’s nothing. You may leave.” Huang De Xing responds, and gives An Ran a smile. Perhaps he really was mistaken.

An Ran doesn’t ask any further, and turns to leave the director’s office.

When An Ran had returned to her own office, Xiao Xiao was leaning against a wall, with a pair of arms across her chest and wearing a smile on her face.

An Ran eyes her. “Problem?” She takes out her key to open her office door.

Xiao Xiao follows her in, closing the door behind her. Provoking her with a big headache-inducing wave, she brushes her hair slyly and seats herself down in front of An Ran’s desk, saying, “Your scarf today isn’t too bad. I remember that you never wear these things, why are you wearing one today?”

An Ran freezes, her face unnaturally slightly flushes red. She puts her bag aside her office desk, avoiding her gaze and reaches out to turn on her computer, evades her subject, and instead asks, “Is there a problem?”

Xiao Xiao also doesn’t press on about the scarf. In the first place that was only to start a conversation, what’s more important is that she is willing to talk. She knows that An Ran is a person who doesn’t like to beat around the bush, and that she is also straightforward. She gets to the point and asks, “I wanna ask you something. The day before yesterday, the one waiting for you at the entrance, who’s the man driving the Benz?”

An Ran pauses her action of handling the files, slightly knits her brows, and looks at her, “Where are you going with this?”

Xiao Xiao smoothes her curled hair, and doesn’t conceal, stating directly, “I’m interested in him. I plan to ask him out.”

Hearing that, An Ran’s brows knits even tighter, and only says, “Too late. He has a wife.”

“So what if he has a wife, it’s common to divorce nowadays.” Xiao Xiao says without thinking.

An Ran looks at her. Even though she’s heard the rumours about her around the office, as far as what others say about her she naturally has heard a lot, but as a colleague, she has also observed her strengths, so she has always felt that those rumours about her was unjust. But right now, she doesn’t know if her initial impressions were right or not.

Seeing her silent, Xiao Xiao smiles and continues to speak, “What’s wrong? Are you also interested in him? But from what I saw that day, his interest in you was actually true.”

An Ran turns, eyes wide, but not looking at her. “I can’t help you on this matter. Why don’t you go find someone else.”

She doesn’t want to talk about it and Xiao Xiao doesn’t get angry. She continues to ask, “An Ran, is he your ex-boyfriend? It can’t be that these past few years the reason why you don’t talk about your feelings is because of him?”

“Nonsense.” An Ran was angered, and looks at her as she states, “Xiao Xiao, I must say you’ve lost some heart. Mo Fei won’t be tempted by you, furthermore he won’t divorce for you.” At the time he chose to leave her because of money and power, so why would he give all of those up just for a woman. He actually is a selfish man. What he loved the most, all along, was himself.

“How do you know he won’t.” Xiao Xiao looks at her. “I can see that he’s interested in you, and I, can assure that I am much better than you. I am confident that sooner or later there will be a day that he will fall for me.”

An Ran stares at her for a while, ultimately not saying anything.

Xiao Xiao still smiles, and stands up. “Oh right, the man you left with that day doesn’t look too bad, even though his conditions seem so-so.” Saying that, she turns around and leaves.



  1. Yi cheng is not so so. He just borrowed his secretary's car at that time. Thank God he did that! Xiao xiao is so..

    1. Right? lol. She's going to kick herself later on

    2. Hahahaha she look down on Su Yi Cheng .. what a gold digger and a biatch hehehe

  2. People can be so bad...... My nephew's grade 1 teacher had asked them to draw the most scariest animal they know of after a visit to the zoo. He drew a man while others drew lions, tigers and snakes..... He was absolutely 100% correct. Humans are the most vicious and dangerous animal of all.

    1. My son also has the same opinion. We humans can be truly evil.

  3. Uhmmmm... where can i read the uncensored version of the last two chapter kyahaha. First time commenting and asking for that 😍😂😂 thank u for the chapters

  4. I actually like that xiaoxiao is not hiding her true self. She's a bitch and she flaunts it. Much better than those people who pretends to be good, and then back stabbing others
